New! Online Library

We’re excited to launch our online library!


  • Do your yoga class at the time that suits you with our online class videos
  • Choose a class to match your mood or needs
  • Press pause to work out a movement and rewind to go over how to do a pose


Easy to watch videos on any computer, tablet or smart phone – no special software is needed.

Buy access here on our web site:
$20 for 24 hour access to all videos

$35 for weekly access to all videos

Find out more



Want to do the online live classes AND have access to the library?
The best value option is to take out a Direct Debit membership with us. The cost is $35 a week during the lockdown period. ($45 when the studio re-opens).
Pay fortnightly or monthly. No other fees
At least 7 days cancellation notice required.
6 month minimum sign up period.

If you are interested download the agreement form (pdf), complete it and email it to Peter at

Existing class passes aren’t usable for the online library
Sorry, it just gets too complicated to manage. All existing passes remain valid for online live classes and for in studio classes, whenever we re-start.

Any questions?
Call Peter on 0414 382 585 or email